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Download Attachments from external server

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry for my bad english, and for my poor experience with js and the zimlet development enviroment, I need some help to comprend better this whole world.

I'm developing a zimlet for the integration with our crm. The task is "simple": drag and drop an email on the zimlet, the zimlet check some info with a custom php page via json, and then send supplementary info ( requested via dialog window ) to the php page.

The php page must download the attachment, and here I've got a problem. I need to authenticate for downloading the attachment, but I can't use username and password for every client, because I can't use ssl, for now, and the zimlet is designed to run on users Zimbra Desktop, the zimbra server and the CRM in on the cloud.

I've tried to extract the auth token, but the js side ( I don't have the jsp side ) seems to not found any cookie... It's because the page is the zimbra desktop page, open on browser ?

I've read the preauth page, but don't seems what I need ( or what I can do ). I wanted to use cookie, if possible...

For now, my zimlet use:
- jQuery
- crypto.js ( from google )

My Zdesktop dev enviroment:
- firefox ( firebug )
- Zimbra desktop 7.2.2
- http://www.zimbra.com/forums/zimlets...a-desktop.html

Can't deploy a zimlet on Linux 64bit (Zimbra Desktop 7.2.2 GA)

As ZD does not have zmzimletctl util I'm trying to deploy "hello world" zimlet by following command


java -cp ../jetty/lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar:../jetty/common/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar:../jetty/common/lib/mail.jar:../jetty/common/lib/commons-logging.jar:../jetty/common/lib/commons-codec-1.4.jar:../jetty/common/lib/json.jar:../jetty/common/lib/dom4j-1.5.2.jar:../jetty/common/lib/zimbracommon.jar:../jetty/webapps/service/WEB-INF/lib/zimbrastore.jar:../jetty/common/lib/guava-r09.jar:../jetty/common/lib/zimbra-native.jar -Dzimbra.config=conf/localconfig.xml -Djava.library.path=../lib/ com.zimbra.cs.zimlet.ZimletUtil deploy zimlets/com_zimbra_hello.zip
but got this error


Fatal error: terminating: Failed to loadLibrary(zimbra-native)
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/zimbra/zdesktop/lib/libzimbra-native.so: /opt/zimbra/zdesktop/lib/libzimbra-native.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1807)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1732)
        at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:823)
        at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1028)
        at com.zimbra.znative.Util.loadLibrary(Util.java:38)
        at com.zimbra.znative.Util.<clinit>(Util.java:54)
        at com.zimbra.common.net.ProxySelectors.useNativeProxySelector(ProxySelectors.java:63)
        at com.zimbra.common.net.ProxySelectors.<clinit>(ProxySelectors.java:43)
        at com.zimbra.common.net.SocketFactories.register(SocketFactories.java:92)
        at com.zimbra.common.net.SocketFactories.registerProtocols(SocketFactories.java:69)
        at com.zimbra.common.net.SocketFactories.registerProtocols(SocketFactories.java:59)
        at com.zimbra.common.util.CliUtil.toolSetup(CliUtil.java:41)
        at com.zimbra.common.util.CliUtil.toolSetup(CliUtil.java:36)
        at com.zimbra.common.util.CliUtil.toolSetup(CliUtil.java:32)
        at com.zimbra.cs.zimlet.ZimletUtil.main(ZimletUtil.java:1893)

How to solve this?

How to deploy a zimlet manually?

System: Ubuntu 12.04 x86-64

Billing System

Hi everybody!

I am looking for a billing system to integrate in Zimbra: the best thing would be that it is able to fetches hours and customers from the calendar and it's able to create reports for each customer.
Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

PS: I'm sorry for my english.

How to return a file for download by Zimbra Zimlet?

I'm requesting JSP from Javascript (both belong to the same Zimlet)


var jspUrl = this.getResource("my.jsp");
var callback = new AjxCallback(this, this._rpcCallback, ["param1", "param2"]);
AjxRpc.invoke(null, jspUrl, null, callback, true);

I need to return some binary file in response to that request. Here is JSP code


<%@ page import="java.io.FileInputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.BufferedInputStream"  %>
<%@ page import="java.io.File"  %>
<%@ page import="java.io.IOException" %>

    ServletOutputStream outStream=response.getOutputStream();
    File myfile = new File("/tmp/attachment.zip");
    response.setContentLength( (int) myfile.length( ) );
    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(myfile);
    BufferedInputStream buf = new BufferedInputStream(input);
    int readBytes = 0;
    while((readBytes = buf.read( )) != -1)

I also tried "application/force-download" and "application/octet-stream" as "contentType".

I expect a browser to show "download file" dialog but instead of that file content is printed as text


How to fix that?
Attached Images

Salesforce Zimlet Error Code 500

Hi everyone,

Salesforce zimlet looks awesome. I can search, open/create anything directly from Zimbra, however, error code 500 is popping up:

A) every 15-20 seconds as a pop-up randomly
B) anytime I click the "Add Notes" button

Complete error code is below. Can anyone please help? We are all heavy-Zimbra users so this Zimlet will be a huge boost to our productivity, if only we can figure out this error code.

Error querying Salesforce
Error code: 500
sf:INVALID_FIELDINVALID_FIELD: l.State,l.PostalCode,l.Country, l.NumberOfEmployees,l.Website from ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:105 No such column 'NumberOfEmployees' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.INVALID_FIELD l.State,l.PostalCode,l.Country, l.NumberOfEmployees,l.Website from ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:105 No such column 'NumberOfEmployees' on entity 'Lead'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.1105

ZD - How to debug zimlet backend (Java) code?

Is there any way to debug zimlet Java code?
Preferably with IntellijIdea IDE but would be glad to find any solution better than System.out.println().

Get mailbox_id in Zimlet

I'm working on a Zimlet that will be talking to an external CRM database, and I need to pass the current mailbox_id to the database. I can't seem to find where to access this - can someone point me in the right direction?


Zimlet to link resource calendar with full rights

Hello, :)

After searching a while on the forum we didn't find any helping solution to our problem so we are creating this. We apologize if this question has already been asked before.

Our need is that all employees of our company should be able to access a resource calendar (such a meeting room) and create a appointment, to reserve the resource.
As we dont want the user to check and uncheck all resource calendars to only see the "wanted" resource calendar,we are working on a Zimlet that should link the resource calendar with full rights to create/modify an appointment. For now, we are able to link the resource but with read-only rights.
Any one that has already done this can give us a hand? Is there another way to do this?

Any help may be appreciated! Thanks in advance! :)

Adetel I.T.

Zimbra 8 & IE


I have a Javascript problem with IE and Zimbra 8.0.4.
In the "Zimlets-nodev_all.js.zgz?..." file, on line 12050, I have a Javascript error so my Zimlets aren't loaded.
Have you the same error ? Can I fix it ?


New repository for orphaned zimlets with versions compatible with 8.x!


Announcing the adopted-Zimlets repository available at https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/adopted

This repository hosts zimlet with more current versions than available through the gallery as the original authors couldn't be contacted or didn't want to update their zimlets.

These zimlets are currently available in the repository:

Have fun.

Kind regards

Sample Zimlet that replace zimlet menu panel


i'm searching for a long time but i can't find a sample zimlet for it or a forum/wiki entry.

It would be great to have a sample zimlet which replaces the left zimlet menu panel with an empty menu panel to put our own links there.

Can someone provide such a sample zimlet?

Error in Social Zimlet: Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active


I get the following error message in Social Zimlet (Zimbra 7.2.3)
{"errors": [{"message": "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview.", "code": 68}]}

Seems like a Zimlet update is necessary?


What the best way to change zimlet panel item icon, name and tooltip dynamicly?

I need to change zimlet panel item icon its name and tooltip accordingly to application state.

Are there related API functions?

Documentation to starting development in Zimlets for Zimbra 8

Hi dears,

Is there some documentation related to Zimlet Development in Zimbra 8?

I've found a lot of documentation for other versions, but no one fits and, until now, not a single Zimlet I was able to make work!

I'm not asking for some super complete and advanced documentation, one simple example for a tab, a button e a panel would make me very happy!

My hopes,

Fábio Coelho

Using _dev directory for develop Zimlets

I'm trying to modify an Administrative Zimlet. Since now I've tried to modify files in /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/com_zimbra_zimlet files and works (after a zmprov fc zimlet and other stuff...).
Now I've read that is simpler to develop a zimlet in /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev directory, cause here you have not to deploy it or flush any cache.
So I've undeployed my Zimlet and I've created the _dev dir in this manner

# mkdir /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev
# unzip com_zimbra_zimlet.zip -d /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev/com_zimbra_zimlet
# chown -R zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/zimlets-deployed/_dev

... but I can't see my Zimlet.

Tried with ?dev=1 too, but no success: my Zimlets JS files are not loaded by the browser.

Am I missing something?

Any help would be appreciated.

help for sso zimlet

I've done a search of the forum and read the various posts , but I'm not seeing info specific to what I want to do, and I'm not sure if it's possible,
my question is how i can integrate openerp or alfresco in zimbra with SSO ? if possible or no?
thanks for help

Is there a quick way to flush zimbra zimlet static content cache?

I've found that static zimlet files (js/css) are cached by the server.

Server restart helps but it is too awkward solution for me as I have to develop on slow server and the operation takes too much time.

"?dev=1" also helps but it brings in another slowness because JS files are transferred uncompressed and I have unstable 3G connection.

I'm searching for something like "zmmailboxdctl flushcache".

Is there anything better than two solutions I mentioned above?

iframe zimlet

plz I developed iframe zimlet that call a web page iframe
but when i clic in tabpannel a blank page displayed
plz help

GetFolderRequest doesn't deliver shared folders anymore in ZCS 8.04

In ZCS 8.04 the FolderRequest command doesn't deliver shared folders anymore.

var soapDoc = AjxSoapDoc.create("GetFolderRequest", "urn:zimbraMail");
var folderNode = soapDoc.set("folder");
folderNode.setAttribute("l", appCtxt.getFolderTree().root.id);
var command = new ZmCsfeCommand();
var top = command.invoke({soapDoc: soapDoc, noAuthToken: true}).Body.GetFolderResponse.folder[0];
var folders = top.folder;

Is there an authority problem? Many thanks in advance for help.


Debugging Archive zimlet.

hi. I'm trying to remove bugs from Archive zimlet
Archive | Zimbra :: Gallery

In some cases, when I'm reorganizing messages and folders in archive, zimlet is creating new folders: Archive1, Archive2,Archive3...

I'm begginer in zimlet development, but in my opinion it's because archive folder don't get proper ID (CcsArchive.prototype.getFolder), and soap request fails. And then new folders are created.
Anyone can help me fix this? Or just give tips how to do this...

Second thing.
Anyone now how to implement key listener in zimlet? I'm trying to add function to archive message after pressing (for example) Shift+a
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