Channel: Zimbra :: Forums - Zimlets

Serverside Cookies

I want to safe some Variables in Cookies. My Zimlet safes them in some lokal Cookies but is there any possibility to safe them on the Server and not on the local computer?

I am using Zimbra 7_2_6.

Thanks for the help!

kind regards

Banned attachments - BOUNTY - customisation of yor "Attachment alert" zimlet

I wonder if you'd be able to help with a customisation of the "Attachment alert" zimlet?

Currently this scans for a keyword and alerts if no attachment is attached.

We would like to adapt this to scan for a list of banned attachments.

A soft ban should bring up a confirmation dialogue box asking the user to confirm sending with the banned attachment and a BCC of the email to an administrator.

A hard ban should not allow the email to be sent.

We need this as we do not want modifiable Office documents sent out - they should be PDF. Therefore our keyword list should scan for the office extensions.

I have tried modifying the existing "Attachment alert" zimlet but do not seem to be reading the attachment extension correctly.

There is a huge amount of activity asking for banning of extensions by filetype (with filters such as by user) on Zimbra. I think this zimlet would be very popular.

I am prepared to offer a small bounty - maybe $100?

I hope you can help.

Task requests zimlet - BOUNTY offered

AFAIK, Zimbra does not accept tasks sent as ical VTODO items.

It offers an "Add to calendar" option next to an ics attachment, but ignores the VTODO items.

VToDo tasks can be loaded into Zimbra using a sync to the /home/username/tasks folder as opposed to the /home/username/calendar folder (for example using CURL).

Ideally, we would want the same functionality as accepting an appointment request (accept, decline buttons etc on detection of a ical VTodo item). However, a very simple start would be merely having the task item sent to the tasks folder when "Add to calendar" is selected next to an attachment.

Again, it appears task acceptance, requests is widely sought after.

I'd be very happy to offer a $150 bounty for a zimlet treating tasks like appointments (accept, reject, etc) and $50 for a functioning "Add to task list" next to a VToDo attachment.

Zimlet to style inbox mail list


I'm new to Zimbra and I'm searching for zimlet to style inbox mail list. I know that I can write my own theme, but users use many themes and I don't want to change every of them.
I have an idea to use (write) zimlet which can change the font size, padding and margins, colors of unread mails etc.
If there is no such zimlet where can I read about overriding theme style via javascript.

Thank you for answer

ProcessMaker zimlet For persian Language

I have a processmaker server in persian language and I want to use processmaker zimlet in zimbra to connect to that.but the available languages are english and spanish (in setup menu on processmaker tab). Is there any way to add other languages to zimlet for use?(for me Persian).

Thanks in advance

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